Agrofiber has become an indispensable assistant for gardeners who want to keep their plants healthy during the cold season. Grapes are one of the crops that require special attention during the winter. It is sensitive to frost, especially young bushes and varieties that are not frost-resistant. The optimal solution here is agrofiber for winter shelter of grape vines. If you know which agricultural fiber to choose for grapes and how to use it correctly, you can get unique advantages.

Agrofiber is a useful tool for protecting grapes from the cold

Agrofiber is a special non-woven material made of polypropylene fibers, which is distinguished by its strength, lightness and permeability to air and moisture. It is often used to protect plants from adverse weather conditions. The density of agrofibre for the winter shelter of grapes is usually between 30 and 60 g/m², depending on how cold the winters are in the region. Higher density is used for regions with severe frosts. Timely covering of grapes with agrofiber is very important.

Advantages of using agrofiber for grapes

There are many advantages, and the following can be noted among the main ones:

  • One of the most important functions of agrofibre is the ability to retain heat. It creates a kind of "blanket" for vine that allows you to save heat around the plant, especially in root zone. Grapes, covered with agrofibre, is much better tolerated frost, because the temperature is below that shelter is higher than in the open in the air This is especially important at night, when the temperature can drop sharply.
  • Drops temperatures, especially during the day thaw, and frost at night, can cause great damage to grapes. Agricultural fiber helps to stabilize the microclimate around the plant, reducing the risk damage to shoots and roots from sudden changes in temperature. This is special important for grapes that can suffer from such fluctuations, even if it is already adapted to the cold.
  • On unlike the usual film ones shelters, agrofiber allows the plant "breathe". This means that the air is free circulates under the coating, preventing condensate accumulation and formation excess moisture, which can lead to decay. Grapes, especially young vines, is sensitive to excessive humidity, which can cause the development of fungal diseases Agrofiber supports optimal humidity level during wintering, no allowing the plant to dry out or, conversely, to rot
  • Strong wind can damage or even break it grape vines, especially if it snows create an additional load. Agricultural fiber fixed on vines, protects them from the wind and prevents snow damage the plant. The material is enough strong enough to withstand such externalities influences, but at the same time light, which relieves its use.

You just need to choose a high-quality agricultural fiber and know the terms of sheltering grapes, which will allow you to achieve the desired effect. You can consult with professionals who know when to remove agrofiber from grapes and how to choose it.